Zype Integration

The following explains how publishers can add IRIS.TV data to their Zype channels.

There are 5 steps to add IRIS.TV data to channels powered by Zype:

  1. Providing video data to IRIS.TV via a Zype content feed
  2. Adding IRIS.TV data to each video in the Zype platform
  3. Passing IRIS.TV data into the Zype SSAI
  4. Passing IRIS.TV data to ad servers partners
  5. Passing IRIS.TV data to SSP partners

Step 1: Ingesting video data from the Zype CMS:

IRIS.TV will utilize the Zype API to ingest video metadata into the IRIS.TV platform. IRIS.TV will leverage the following Zype API: 


Publishers will provide the following API credentials to IRIS.TV to authenticate the API:

  • api_key

  • app_key

Once IRIS.TV has received the above credentials, the IRIS.TV team will be able to set up the publisher's account and ingest the video data.

Step 2: Pushing IRIS_ID and Contextual Key-Value Pairs to Zype:

We have an integration for pushing back IRIS_IDs (ex: iris_12ndue85hdi39ru5) and encoded segments (ex: ic_1234567) to the Zype CMS.

Step 3: Zype HLS passing IRIS.TV data to the SSAI:

Once the IRIS.TV data has been added to the Zype CMS, Zype will ensure the data is passed through the manifest at the time of playback to the SSAI vendor.

Step 4: Zype’s SSAI passing IRIS.TV data to the ad server:

Once the IRIS.TV data is passed to the Zype SSAI, Zype will add two custom macros to the ad tags provided to them.

Step 5: Passing IRIS.TV data to the SSPs:

Once the IRIS.TV data has been passed to the ad server the publisher will need to update their connection with each SSP per our normal process/steps for each SSP. See here for further documentation.