Using Alternate Asset IDs for the Context API

This page documents how to retrieve contextual data with multiple IDs that refer to the same video asset.

This requires the publisher to use the Context API. Please review those API docs before continuing with these.

If publishers have an ad workflow that requires them to track and retrieve contextual data using multiple IDs for a single asset, then they can use the "alt_id". For instance, a publisher can use "alt_id" if they have to syndicate a single video asset across multiple platforms that use different ways to identify the same asset.

To set up, notify IRIS.TV that you will need to store multiple IDs for each of your video assets. IRIS.TV will ensure that this is set up during the import process.

Once that is set-up, you will use the parameter "alt_id" in the calls to the Context API. The "alt_id" will replace  the "platform_id" parameter. Here's an example of the call: