The following documentation explains how data partners can send an IRIS_ID to the IRIS.TV Video Data Platform and receive data for that video.
The IRIS_ID Data Api Route allows partners access to their data as contracted within the IRIS.TV Video Data Platform.
Request Video Level Data
Authenticated IRIS-enabled data partners send an IRIS_ID to the IRIS.TV Video Data Platform on the IRIS_ID Data API Route.
Receive Video Level Data
Authenticated IRIS-enabled data partners receive video asset level data for that IRIS_ID.
IRIS_ID Data API Route[access_token]&client_token=[client_token]&iris_id=[iris_ID]
Parameters Required to Authenticate the API:
The IRIS.TV team will provide the above API credentials to each DSP partner.
access_token: Token used to authorize with the IRIS.TV API.
client_token: Token used to grant access to specific data for each IRIS_ID.
iris_id : Unique identifier for a video asset in the IRIS.TV platform.
Example API Call:
API Response
An IRIS_ID sent via an authorized request to the IRIS_ID Data API Route will receive video level data for the corresponding video asset.
Example API Response:
"iris_id": "iris_852afgrb747431b",
"closed_caption_url": "closed caption transcript url goes here.",
"source_url": "MP4/M3u8 based URL",
'title": "Asset Video Title response goes here.",
"thumbnail_url": "Publisher image file source link response goes here.",
"description": "Publisher description of video asset response goes here.",
"billing_id": 12345,
"source_keywords": "comma separated publisher list of video asset keywords response goes here.",
"length_secs": 2580
API Responses
200: Valid call
204 : Unknown IRIS_ID
401 : Unauthorized client_token or access_token