Beachfront: Passing Contextual Data

This page details how to format the iris_context and iris_id KVPs in the Prebid, OpenRTB and Beachfront tag based integrations. Integration

Prebid integration leverages the custom KVP object to pass in the iris_context and iris_id KVPs.
Here's the documentation from Beachfront on how to format custom KVPs in

If you wish to update your Prebid integration, please contact your Beachfront and IRIS.TV account managers. 

    oRTB Integration

    The OpenRTB integration leverages the custom KVP object to pass in the iris_context and iris_id KVPs.

    • Contextual segments: pass in the site object extension field
    • iris_id: pass in the content object id attribute
    If you wish to update your oRTB integration, please contact your Beachfront and IRIS.TV account managers. 

    Tag Integration 

    The tag integration leverages the custom key-value pair formatting to pass in the iris_context and iris_id KVP. 

    • The tag integration leverages the custom key-value pair formatting to pass in the iris_context and iris_id KVP. 

      • contextual Segments: pass information as key values. Pass the values behind the "iris_context" key using the relevant macro for your ad server
        • key values to be passed as iris_context parameter as follows:  iris_context=ic_2815204,ic_6225860,ic_6897092,ic_4012790,ic_5900591,ic_2268821,ic_6027809,ic_2013934
      • iris_id: pass the ID using parameter “c_id=

      See example:

      Podded Version:[Beachfront Inventory ID]&width=[io_width]&height=[io_height]&ua=[useragent]&ip=[ipaddress]&i_type=[inventory_type]&v=1&bundleid=[io_appbundle]&appurl=[appurl]&appname=[io_appname]&idfa=[idfa]&dnt=[io_dnt]&cb=[cachebuster]&io_slot_count=[max_slot_count]&io_max_slot_duration=[max_pod_duration]&us_privacy=[privacystring]&c_id=[iris_id]&iris_context=[iris_context]

      Non-podded Version:[Beachfront Inventory ID]&width=[io_width]&height=[io_height]&ua=[useragent]&ip=[ipaddress]&i_type=[inventory_type]&v=1&bundleid=[io_appbundle]&appurl=[appurl]&appname=[io_appname]&idfa=[idfa]&dnt=[io_dnt]&cb=[cachebuster]&us_privacy=[privacystring]&c_id=[iris_id]&iris_context=[iris_context]

    Last updated: 8/23/2021